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What Is Smart Waste Management?

Posted By On August 09 2023
What is smart waste management?

Although still in the early stages, smart waste management intends to change how traditional garbage collection and disposal is conducted. Primarily taking advantage of the IoT (Internet of Things), among other technologies, the overall objective is to optimize resource allocation, reduce running costs, and increase the sustainability of waste services.

As a means of supplementing Toronto bin rental services, widespread smart waste management may be in our future.

The Basics of Smart Waste Management

The aim of smart waste management is to improve the current system for managing waste on a day-to-day basis. It involves specialized technology designed for better efficiency, environmental consciousness, and increased sustainability. 

By utilizing the IoT—a system of interrelated computing devices and mechanical and digital machines that collect data in real-time—these emerging processes can streamline waste-collection processes while simultaneously improving sustainability efforts. 

Through sensors, intelligent monitoring systems, and mobile applications, smart waste management technologies can make trash collection more effective. By tracking the amount of trash in each container (with updated information in real-time) these systems allow for the optimization of routes, development of smart schedules for drivers, and better response time to undesired situations.

The Benefits of Smart Waste Management

Reduced Collection Needs

Over time, the widespread use of smart technology—specifically, smart dumpsters—will help reduce unnecessary fuel consumption costs and minimize the number of trips collection staff need to make.

Without the need to physically check every single bin, trash collection routes will become more efficient and allow workers to plan more direct paths during their scheduled shifts. This means waste collection companies and/or the related municipalities can allocate resources towards other, more essential tasks.

Fewer Missed Pickups

Increased route optimization ensures collection processes can focus on full containers before they begin overflowing. This also means the time allocated towards collecting and delivering trash will be reduced, creating a more effective window for monitoring trash consumption in any given area.

Geographic-Specific Data Analysis

The use of IoT technology means historical data can be leveraged to determine a more accurate depiction of the waste patterns throughout different regions. Real-time data analysis creates an opportunity to better understand waste management needs and adjust the existing systems to become more efficient.

Reduced CO2 Emissions

Real-time data analysis ultimately allows for more strategic garbage collection routes to be developed. As a result, fewer trips need to be made in the trucks to maintain effective trash management. Smart waste management systems help reduce the CO2 emissions from trash collection, promoting a more environmentally friendly approach.

The Types of Smart Waste Management Technology

1. Smart waste bins

This technology centers on effectively sorting waste into different categories, including recyclables. To reduce the improper distribution of waste, these smart bins use artificial intelligence (AI) based object recognition to sort waste into separate compartments within the bin. Once everything has been properly sorted, the machines compress the waste, utilizing an internal monitoring system to determine when a bin is full. 

By eliminating the potential for human error, smart waste bins make the material processing of garbage faster and, ultimately, easier for recycling facilities. This ensures employee efficiency increases, reducing the overall cost of waste management.

2. Waste level sensors

Although weekly trash collection services have been around for a long time, they are not always the most effective means for supporting proper waste management. To reduce the number of unnecessary trips between landfills, waste level sensors can be installed in bins or dumpsters of any size.

This allows companies to create more efficient collection routes, which helps improve the overall experience of those who rely on these services. By accurately monitoring the amount of trash built up in bins and dumpsters, routes can be developed to prioritize full containers sooner, reducing the chances of overflow.

3. AI recycling robots

Reduce, reuse, and recycle is an important approach in the waste-management process. Proper recycling is a crucial factor in minimizing the amount of trash that makes its way to the landfill. AI has made it possible to design recycling robots to accurately identify and sort recyclable materials from other items within the collected waste.

This technology has helped recycling centers increase the efficiency of their operations, while reducing the number of human workers required at a given time. Overall, AI recycling robots help save on costs over time, ensuring the correct materials are diverted from landfills.

4. Garbage truck weighing mechanisms

Similar to the previously mentioned waste level sensors, weighing mechanisms in collection trucks are meant to help monitor the fill levels of the containers themselves, ultimately reducing the number of collection trips required.

The technology manages this by measuring and storing the weight of waste containers. Over time, this data is collected and later analyzed to predict potential fill patterns throughout different regions.

5. Pneumatic waste pipes

One potential solution for accommodating the increasing amounts of trash within certain urban areas is installing pneumatic waste pipe systems. These types of waste disposal bins connect to a series of underground pipes that transport trash directly to the waste collection facility. 

Once the trash arrives, it is either sorted properly into predetermined categories or taken straight to the landfills. This system is designed to minimize the need for traditional waste collection, thus reducing energy costs and making the entire process more efficient.

6. Solar-powered trash compactors

A major issue impacting traditional trash collection systems is the potential for overflow. Solar-powered trash compactors aim to mitigate these problems by automatically compressing the trash as it accumulates inside the bin.

This technology helps to increase the overall bin capacity, reducing the number of collection trips required. In addition, these bins come equipped with data transmission technology that informs fill-and-collection times, supporting the streamlining of collection processes.

7. E-waste kiosks

It’s a known fact that the improper disposal of electronic waste has the potential to drastically harm both people and the environment. One solution to this problem is e-waste collection programs that aim to encourage the proper disposal of electronic devices in exchange for reimbursement. 

E-waste kiosks take this process a step further by allowing people to deposit their devices in exchange for cash payments. Although the current technology does not support the exchange of broken or damaged materials, it does accept phones, tablets, and MP3 players, ensuring they are properly recycled and do not end up in the landfill.

8. Recycling apps

Recycling apps bring the necessary tools for sorting trash directly to the consumer. These applications provide information on the current recycling rates and center locations, offering comprehensive lists of what materials can be recycled and which ones cannot.

The Future of Smart Waste Management

Smart waste management systems and their corresponding technologies are being designed with the purpose of building a more sustainable waste management industry. Currently, there are a variety of different systems and machines being developed to address the various issues impacting the traditional waste-collection process. The overall objective is to reduce pollution, streamline the waste-collection system, and minimize the negative impact on the environment.

The hope is that improving the waste disposal and collection processes of larger companies will create a more efficient system. By making sustainable and efficient waste management more accessible, smart waste management technology aims to minimize waste distribution in landfills and promote proper recycling. The use of real-time data ensures waste containers are only picked up as needed, while also providing the required tools for effective sorting and disposal methods.

Need a Toronto bin rental?

Existing smart waste management is a work in progress, and it’s still important to invest in quality garbage removal services. Scarborough Disposal Ltd. offers a wide range of options for Toronto bin rental to suit waste disposal jobs of any size.

Our team of experts can assist you with the removal of most items, including metal, wood, electronics, and more. You can choose from a wide range of bin types and sizes to find the one that’s right for your project.

To learn more about the services we offer, or to arrange for a Toronto bin rental near you, call Scarborough Disposal Ltd. at 1-416-265-7979 or contact us online.

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