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8 Top Tips for Minimizing Paper Waste

Posted By On July 16 2024
8 top tips for minimizing paper waste

Did you know that in Canada, we use 6 million tonnes of paper and paperboard every year?

Unfortunately, only one-quarter (25%) of this waste paper is recycled. The remaining 75%, which accounts for one-third (33%) of all waste generated in Canada, often ends up in landfills or other waste disposal methods.

Avoiding using and generating waste paper at home or in the office is ideal to conserve natural resources and reduce pollution, thus contributing to a sustainable environment.

This blog will provide you with eight practical and effective tips to reduce paper waste in your day-to-day activities.

1. Go digital

One of the most effective ways to reduce paper waste is to integrate digital solutions. Rather than relying on paper-based communication and printed documents, switch to emails and electronic documents, as they both reduce paper waste and offer more benefits, such as seamless storage, accessibility, and easier sharing.

To get started, leverage reliable cloud storage platforms like Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, and Dropbox to store and share files digitally. These storage services sync all stored documents across your devices, ensuring you have all the files you require at your fingertips without the need for physical paper copies.

Additionally, digital signature tools like Adobe Sign can help you sign important contracts and documents electronically, saving both time and stress. Using digital solutions will enable you to decrease paper usage to a minimum and impact the environment positively.

2. Print important files only

Offices are the biggest sources of paper waste, with about 30% of printed copies not picked up. While it can be convenient to always shred and dispose of papers in an Ajax bin rental, it can still accumulate to large paper waste.

Before you decide to print, ask yourself these questions:

  • Can the document be read or shared digitally instead?
  • Could a meeting agenda be emailed instead?

Often, a digital copy will suffice, thus eliminating the need for a printed version. Even better, you can use digital notepads on your laptop or smart devices to take notes during meetings—just make it clear why you are on your phone to avoid misinterpretation or annoying others.

However, if printing is a high priority, ensure you stick to double-sided printing to reduce paper usage without sacrificing content.

3. Reuse and recycle

Another simple yet effective tip to reduce paper waste is the “reuse and recycle” method. Start by reusing single-sided papers for drafts or notes. Keep a box of paper that only has one side used, so you can quickly access them when you need to jot something down. This practice ensures that every sheet of paper is fully used before being discarded through a bin rental in Ajax or any other city you live in.

Additionally, setting up a recycling system at home or in the office is helpful. Place clearly labelled recycling bins in convenient locations to encourage everyone to dispose of paper waste properly, and educate the household or office staff on the importance of recycling and why it should be done correctly.

You may wonder, though, what type of paper gets recycled? Common recyclable paper includes magazines, newspapers, office papers/documents, paper packaging, cardboard, and much more. Remember to avoid recycling contaminated paper, such as those with food residue or heavy wax coating, as this may likely disrupt recycling processes.

4. Opt for paperless billing

Yes, we always have bills to pay, but they don’t necessarily have to be paper-based. Many service providers, such as banks, utilities, and insurance organizations, offer the option to issue bills and statements through emails or website portals, which helps reduce paper waste.

Additionally, electronic bills and documents are easier to store and organize and can be easily accessed and retrieved quickly when needed. Integrating this simple step will mitigate paper waste.

5. Opt for cloth napkins and towels

Using cloth napkins and towels is a no-brainer! Unlike paper-based products, they are reusable, durable, and can be easily washed and used multiple times.

Even better, cloth napkins and towels are cost-effective, eliminating the need for the continual purchase of disposable paper products. They are also eco-friendly as they help conserve trees and reduce the environmental impact associated with paper production and disposal.

6. Use more recycled materials

Another effective tip to reduce paper waste is to purchase recycled paper products, such as 100% recycled or post-consumer waste paper or tree-free fibre-crop and hemp-based paper. Look for paper products with certifications like the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) label, which ensures the paper comes from reputable forest and recycled sources.

By choosing recycled materials, you support the recycling industry and reduce the number of trees cut down globally for the sole purpose of paper production.

7. Manage junk mail

You probably receive lots of junk mail, including credit card offers, catalogues, and promotional materials. Although a bin rental in Ajax can help you with safe disposal of these unwanted items, opting out of mailing lists is the most effective way to stop the influx.

Try to contact companies directly to request that they stop sending paper mails and switch to digital communication instead. You can also try services like DMAchoice, which allows the removal of names from marketing lists for a small fee. This service can significantly reduce the number of junk mail you receive, and offer you a clutter-free mailbox.

8. Spread awareness

Raising awareness about paper waste reduction is important to stir collective action. Educate friends, family, and colleagues about the importance of minimizing paper waste and share practical tips for doing so.

By involving others and fostering a culture of sustainability, you can amplify your impact and contribute to a broader movement to reduce paper waste and protect the environment.

Join the Green Movement

Implementing these simple and effective tips can help minimize paper waste and promote steps toward a sustainable environment. Additionally, utilizing a bin rental in Ajax can provide an eco-friendly way to collect and dispose of large quantities of paper waste, ensuring that it is recycled or disposed of responsibly.

Together, we can make a positive impact on our environment!

For more information about bin rentals in Ajax, as well as Toronto, Scarborough, Leaside, Pickering, and Beaches, call Scarborough Disposal Ltd. at (416) 265-7979 or contact us online.

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