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How to Organize and Maximize Space in Your Storage Unit

Posted By On February 01 2021
Storage unit organization tips

If you’ve invested into paying for a storage unit every month, then you’ll want to maximize the space so you can access your items better. Your items may be taking up too much space, and you may find yourself needing to remove them and reorganize them.

Cleaning out a storage unit doesn’t have to be a stressful process — it can be quite satisfying once you’ve taken care of it. If you wonder how you can start the process, here are some of our best tips for maximizing space in your storage unit.

Make a List of Your Storage Room Items

Taking inventory of your storage room can give you an idea of its contents and give you a sense of how much work will need to be done. Be sure to write down the large items first and account for everything.

You can also look inside the boxes and write down any items that you see. Be specific in what you find, like if the container has fragile items in it.

Organize Items into Piles

One standard method for cleaning up and decluttering is the Four-Box Method. This process can help you organize your items into piles – you just need to decide what you want to keep, throw out, donate or sell, and what will stay in storage.

Ask Friends or Family for Help

Tackling an extensive cleanup on your own can be an impossible and time-consuming affair. To lower your stress levels, you can always ask friends or family for their help on freeing space up in your storage unit. Be sure to schedule a time for the cleanup itself and have all the supplies necessary.

You’ll likely need the assistance of more than one person, so be sure to ask in advance to coordinate everyone’s schedule. Having emotional support and help with the physical labour will go a long way in helping you create space in your storage unit.

Get Rid of Your Junk

Now that you have assembled your team and have planned accordingly, it’s time to get rid of your junk. With your four organized sections (toss, keep, sell/donate, store), you are ready to dispose of your items.

To make the process easier, you’ll want to be strategic about your junk removal. First, you will want to take the trash out. If you have an excessive amount of waste, renting a disposal bin would come in handy. Then, you can schedule a free pickup from an organization or thrift store.

For items in the keep pile, you can load up your car with them and take them back home with you. Finally, you can take the things you want to sell to the location where they’re being sold or store them temporarily.

Sell Items from a Storage Unit

If you have valuable items that you want to sell because you think you’ll get decent money for them, there are various places you can sell them. First, you could sell them through Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, or eBay.

If there are many things to sell and too many listings to post, you can always have a garage sale or sell them at a flea market. You could always sell your most valuable items on Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist to get top dollar, and then sell the rest of your items at a yard sale. Plus, you can advertise your sale on these two platforms.

Purchase Storage Solutions

Once you have gotten rid of all your unnecessary items and categorized them, you’ll want to keep your storage space looking tidier. Your items will be more easily accessible with a more orderly space, and less clutter gives a more clean and spacious look. Many stores sell storage solutions or items that can help you label items and display them neatly.

Work with a Junk Removal Team

To make matters much easier for yourself, you can hire a junk removal team to either come to take the junk off your hands or rent a bin so you can dispose of these items yourself. Reputable companies will make sure the process is as easy as possible and will help you any way they can.

The right amount of storage space is necessary for any individual, company, or family. We hope these ideas will help maximize your storage space and will ensure you are performing upkeep for years to come.

Scarborough Disposal Ltd. has the perfect sized bins for cleaning out the items in your storage locker. With our bin and Scarborough dumpster rentals, you can find the right ones to suit your projects, whether commercial or residential.

To learn more about renting a storage unit, call Scarborough Disposal at 647-905-5145 or contact us here.

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