When a family member or loved one passes on, there are many details to take care of. A major task can be cleaning up the family home and prepping it for sale.
Going through what can often be a lifetime of items can be emotionally draining as well as a physically challenging one. Furnishings, antiques, jewellery and photos may be taken by family members. While other items might be sold. An incredible amount of items can be left behind.
Real estate that is going on the market must be clean, tidy, and ready for a showing to the prospective market. Most articles will instruct you to clear the clutter, show off the space, increase curb appeal, do basic repairs, clean and possibly paint.
To help you get there, rent a disposal bin from Scarborough Disposal. We’ll discuss the size of the home, how many rooms and much more to ensure that all of your needs are being addressed. Estate preparations can be difficult enough without added complications. We’ll support your efforts and alleviate any concerns you might have. Call Scarborough Disposal for your bin today: 416-265-7979