Winter in Canada can feel like it lasts a lifetime, and with this long cold season comes certain challenges in getting around. While we have no control over the roads and sidewalks in public areas, we can ensure we are safe in our home garages.
For a lot of us, our garage is storage space, and as such, it can grow out of control very quickly. Keeping this area clear and free of clutter and other hazards will help us get through the winter challenges easier.
Being able to drive into a clear garage after a hard day at work, or returning from doing the weekly shopping, makes coming home so much more relaxing and inviting.
When it’s minus 20 degrees outside, unloading the car is easier in a warm environment. Making sure your garage is clear allows you to pull in and take things indoors easily and safely.
A clear garage also allows you to access vital equipment needed in the winter months, such as shovels and safety salt, to clear sidewalks and driveways.
Start by making a plan. This sounds simple enough; look at the area you have and the things that already have a home.
What can stay, and what can go? As things tend to end up in the garage when we’re not sure if we need them (or we just put them there and forget), this is a great time to go through the contents and get rid of what you no longer require.
Some things can be donated or recycled. For bigger projects, though, you should consider renting a bin to clear out the space quickly and efficiently. With a bin rental in Whitby, you have access to a wide range of bins for all your project needs.
Once you know what you will do with unneeded items and how you will organize them, set aside the time to dispose of them properly and without distractions.
Get other family members involved, too. The more people, the faster the task is, but they can also help with reaching higher things or moving heavier items.
When you have a date for your cleanup, book your bin rental so that it can be delivered on time. As well, book the date for it to be taken away. This gives you a time frame in which the cleanup needs to be completed by.
Also, try to start this before the heavy snow begins. That will make it a lot easier to get the task done, and you will be warmer, too.
Organization and storage are the goals that will keep your garage clear from tripping hazards and allow you the space to park your vehicle in a warm and safe environment.
Let’s begin by looking at what storage space you have in your garage currently. Most storage spaces are horizontal and in the form of benches or wall cabinets.
Have you considered storing upward? Ceiling racks are a great place for bikes and other summer recreational items. Wall racks to hang shovels, rakes, and other gardening equipment (such as collapsible lawnmowers) are great for getting things off the floor while making them easier to reach.
Floor-standing storage shelf units are excellent places to stack things like bags of salt. Again, making access easier is key when it comes to winterizing your garage and home.
In shelving units, you can also keep emergency kits, such as flashlights and other items, by the door leading into the house. They can be open, so you can see where everything is, and you don’t have to panic looking for anything in the event of an emergency.
Keeping things off the floor also allows you to sweep the snow and ice from the garage floor, preventing a build-up of slush and black ice patches from forming.
Mark out a space on the floor where your vehicle will park. This helps you to see how much space you actually have to move around in when the vehicle is parked inside, without the car being there while you organize and clean.
Once you have pulled everything out of the garage and sorted it into what stays and what goes, cleaning the floor and possibly the walls is a good idea before you re-organize and put things back.
Cleaning now will make it easier to maintain during the long winter months. A clean floor will also help prevent ice from forming faster, leading to fewer tripping hazards.
This will also allow you to remove any pests that may have made a home in your garage. Removing them now will save you more time and effort in the spring and summer when they come out of hibernation or when their families suddenly grow.
With winter being the harshest season here in Canada, preparing your home garage is one way you can protect yourself from the elements and keep yourself and your family safe.
By clearing away tripping hazards and making winter accessories easy to find, you can safely make it through the coldest of times in a warm and safe environment.
Reach out to Scarborough Disposal Ltd. today to book your bin rental and to help you get started. Call us at 416-265-7979 or reach out online.